2022: Continuous Research and Learning
The Eco-Research Camp was host to over 40 domestic and international groups interested to learn more about the RER program. Both national and international researchers studying abroad benefitted from the Peat Lab facility; one PhD student from Kent University, UK assessing large mammal population trends in a human-modified landscape, one Masters student from Wageningen University, Netherlands comparing different restoration techniques. Four Masters students from the University of British Columbia, Canada documented the ecological, economic, and social aspects of fisherman on the Serkap river.
With FFI’s completion of the last baseline biodiversity and carbon stock survey in PT GAN on Kampar Peninsula and RER’s continuous monitoring of biodiversity via camera traps and field surveys, the total fauna and flora documented became 843 species, an increase of 138 species since 2016. This included 5 mammals, 5 amphibian/reptiles, 20 birds, 50 plants and 58 species of Odonata.